Advices For Maintaining Your Weight

After you have been dealing with some extra pounds and you decided to burn the extra fat off, the hardest thing is to maintain your ideal weight. The main cause of this thing is people who think that once you have burned that extra fat, you have won the battle. This is not true because the hardest thing to do is to keep the same weight without gaining pounds. The real battle is with your inner self, and you must keep fighting and try not to eat any type of foods with a lot of calories.

The best thing that helps you maintain your weight and stops you from thinking at sweets or other forbidden foods is to keep evidence of everything you are doing. For example, take a small journal with you and note everything you eat or ingest. Even if you are drinking some water you must note it. The thing about this journal is that it helps you observe the progress immediately and it takes your mind from the “forbidden” foods. Buy a pedometer and mount it so you will know how many steps you do every day. It is recommended to do 3.000 steps per day, so you will be able to maintain your weight easily.

If you can not refrain from eating ice cream or something sweet, try to mix it with fruits. Combine one spoon of ice cream with a bowl of fruits, and you can enjoy this tasty desert without thinking at your weight. If you want to eat some chips (only 2 or 3 pieces) mix them with a homemade vegetable sauce. Sometimes, the craving can be too big to be ignored, that is why we should try to mix a bit of what we want with something healthy.

Another trick is to use a lot of blue in our kitchen. Blue dishes, curtains, walls are the best options for somebody who wants to maintain his weight. It is scientifically proved that blue acts a suppressant and this is the main reason you will not find any blue fast foods or restaurants. Eating from small plates is also very good because the less it is on the plate, the less we need to eat. So instead of eating 3 meals, you should start eating 5 meals and a snack because your metabolism can digest food easier and there will not be any fat left to deposit.

One of the tricks that has an almost 100% success rate is the weight loss buddy. Finding a weight loss buddy online can be very helpful, because you will have somebody to talk with and you can support each other and talk about every problem you will encounter. Maintaining your weight after you've loss your extra pounds it`s a very hard thing to do, but it can be done with patience and these helpful tricks will be a boost for you. The most important thing is that you should never give up eating healthy!

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